Friday, January 27, 2012

Christmas Videos

It takes too long to email these, so I'm just putting them up here.  If you want a copy of them, and you can't download it, I will suffer through the long waiting of emailing them. ;)  ... jk.  It's really not a big deal.


... darn it... the best one is too long i think and it won't let me upload. 
i'll see what can be done.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

"The Dentist Disaster"

Apparently, our eyes. . .

. . . were bigger than our stomachs.

@ Cabot's, Newton, MA

Eggplant from the garden!

This is from our garden. Man oh man, are we in eggplant heaven right now.

Just joking.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

DIY Exfoliator

As I was blog browsing during a slow spell at work, I found this.  It's from an estician.  I haven't tried it yet, but it sounds totally legit, and I think the day will soon come that you can find me with oatmeal in my cereal bowl AND all over my face.  Maybe August 17????
3 cheers for oatmeal!

There's nothing better than a DIY wash, mask, exfoliator.

What you'll need:
2 tbsp Oatmeal
1 tbsp Baking Soda
warm water
Simply add oatmeal & baking soda together.
Then, add a small amount of water to make it pasty. (be careful not to add too much)
Use fingers to rub face in circular motions for 1-2 minutes.
Wash off with warm water & pat dry.
Benefits of Ingredients
Oatmeal - remember when you had chicken pox & your mom put you in an oatmeal bath? The reason: oatmeal is very healing and soothing. It is one of the most popular natural & effective ingredients for your skin. Not only is it ultra moisturizing, it also helps to gently clear dirt & grime from your pores leaving your face smooth & clean.
Baking Soda - it works as a fighting agent. Think of it as a little Pac Man...eats away all your dead skin and dirt.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

An Alfie Attack

I love life when Alfie is mellow. Such was not the case this evening. . .

Make sure to have the sound all the way up, or you'll miss a bit of audio towards the beginning featuring Scott.